Paper 16 - Indian Writing in Translation
For Paper 16, Indian Writing in English, HP University has prescribed five works:
- Kalidasa: Abhijnanshakuntalam
- Bhisham Sahni: Tamas
- U.R. Ananthamurthy: Samskaar
- Mahashweta Devi: Rudali
- Shiv Kumar: Luna
Previous Year Questions on Kalidasa's Abhijnanshakuntalam:
HP University: Short Answer Questions
- Write a short note on the dramatic technique employed in Abhijnanshakuntalam. (HPU June 2007, 2008)
- Write a brief note on the title of the play Abhijnanshakuntalam. Is it appropriate? (HPU June 2007, 2008)
- Critique the opening scene of the play 'Abhijnanshakuntalam'. (HPU, June 2009)
- What's the significance of the ring motif in the play 'Abhijnanshakuntalam'. (HPU, Dec 2010)
- Comment on the Gandharva marriage of Dushyanta and Shakuntala. (HPU, June 2010)
- Highlight the significance of the last act of 'Abhijnanshakuntalam'. (HPU, Dec 2010, June 2011)
- Comment on the role of the Jester (Vidushak) in 'Abhijnanshakuntalam'. (HPU, Dec 2011)
- Describe the scene when Shakuntala takes leave from the hermitage. (HPU, June 2011)
- Briefly describe the first meeting of King Dushyanta and Shakuntala. (HPU, June 2012)
- Describe the reasons Durvasa curses Shakuntala and its consequences. (HPU, June 2008, 2010, 2012)
- Character of Rishi Kanva in Abhijnanshakuntalam. (HPU, November/December 2019)
- Character of Priyamvada in Abhijananshakuntalam. (HPU, November/December 2019)
HP University: Long-Answer Questions
- In which category of genres (tragedy or comedy) would you place Abhijnanshakuntalam? Analyze and comment. (HPU June 2007, 2009)
- Comment on the dramatic technique employed in Abhijnanshakuntalam. (Very important)
- Why does King Dushyanta refuse to recognize Shakuntala and how does a reconciliation happen between the two. Comment. (HPU, June 2009)
- Discuss Kalidasa's art of characterization in Abhijnanshakuntalam with special reference to his portrayal of Shakuntalam. (HPU, June 2009, 2010, 2012)
- Write a comprehensive note on the plot construction of the play 'Abhijnanshakuntalam'. (HPU, June 2010, 2011, Dec 2011)
- What impression do you form of the character Dushyanta after your reading of the play 'Abhijnanshakuntalam'? Discuss critically. (HPU, June 2010)
- Write a comprehensive note on the importance of nature in the play, Abhijnanshakuntalam. (HPU, Dec 2010, 2011)
- Justify the curse of Durvasa in relation to the characters of Dushyanta and Shakuntala. (HPU, June 2011)
- Discuss Abhijnanshakuntalam from the perspective of eco-criticism. (HPU, November/December 2019)
- Discuss the significance of women characters in Abhijnanshakuntalam. (HPU, November/December 2019)
Previous Year Questions on Bhisham Sahni's Tamas
HP University: Short Answer Questions
- Give an account of the role of Murad Ali in initiating the riots in Tamas and its consequences. (HPU, June 2009)
- Highlight the ironic representation of Mr. Richard, the Deputy Commissioner in Tamas. (HPU, June 2009)
- What does the title of Sahni's novel Tamas mean? In what ways is 'Tamas' central to the novel? (HPU, June 2007, 2008, June 2010, Dec 2011)
- What factors initiate communal riots in the novel, Tamas. (HPU, June 2011)
- How is Nathu used by Murad Ali? (HPU, June 2012)
- Write a note on the plight of women as described in Tamas. (HPU, December 2008)
- Comment on Liza's life as the Deputy Commissioner's wife. (HPU, December 2012)
- Critique the ending of Tamas. (HPU, December 2010)
- Comment upon the role of Congress party in sowing the seeds of communal hatred. (HPU, December 2011)
- Role of Ehsan Ali in Tamas. (HPU, November/December 2019)
- Role of Karmo in Tamas. (HPU, November/December 2019)
- Character of Sardar Teja Singh in Tamas. (HPU, November/December 2019)
HP University: Long-Answer Questions
- Justify the novel of the title Tamas.
- Highlight the role of Britishers in the partition of India, and comment on the ending of the novel Tamas. (HPU, Dec 2008, Dec 2009, Dec 2010, 2012)
- Discuss how Tamas can be read as a narrative of the nation. (HPU, November/December 2019)
- Whom does Bhisham Sahni hold responsible for the partition tragedy? Discuss in detail. (HPU, Dec 2011)
- Discuss Tamas as a critique of two-nation theory. (HPU, November/December 2019)
- Critically examine the structural design of Tamas.
- Discuss Tamas as a partition novel.
- Discuss the vision of Bhishma Sahni as it emerges from his novel, Tamas.
- "Tamas is in equal measure against fundamental lists and extremists of both communities and not in favor of hatred towards any one particular community. Discuss.
- Write an essay on the women characters in Tamas.
- Discuss critically the role of different male characters in Tamas.
- "Bhisham Sahni's Tamas universalizes the topical through artistic projection of a dark period of the history of the Indian subcontinent. Discuss this statement. (HPU, June 2007)
- How does Sahni's Tamas bring out the dark passions lying buried in the human psyche?
- Make a thematic analysis of the novel Tamas.
- What is the vision of Bhisham Sahni in the novel, Tamas. Discuss critically. (HPU, December 2021)
- Write a detailed note on the narrative technique employed in the novel, Tamas. (HPU, December 2021)
Note: Tamas is also a work in MA English curriculum of IGNOU. The following questions may give you an idea about the commonly asked questions on this work.
- How do you view Bhisham Sahni's treatment of communalism in Tamas? Discuss. (450 words) (June 2010) OR “The theme of communalism is the major concern of the novel 'Tamas'. Discuss. (500 words) (June 2022)
- Tamas is a severe criticism of British imperialism in India. Do you agree? Discuss. (450 words) (December 2010) (December 2022)
- What part does religion play in Tamas? (450 words) (June 2011) (June 2023)
- The subject of partition in Tamas concentrates on the destruction that is caused by communal violence. Discuss (450 words). (June 2012)
- Explain the title of the novel 'Tamas'. (450 words) (December 2012)
- The novel Tamas is a severe criticism of British imperialism in India. Discuss. (500 words) (June 2013)
- "It seems kites and vultures will hover over the town, for a long time." Do you think this sentence conveys the overall mood of the novel, Tamas? (500 words) (December 2013)
- In Tamas the author enables us to hear some of those voices which we would otherwise never have heard. Comment. (450 words). (June 2014)
- Write a detailed note on the subalterns in the novel Tamas. (450 words) (December 2014, June 2021)
- How does the writer discuss the theme of communalism in Tamas? What are your personal views on the subject? (450 words) (June 2015) OR Discuss Sahni's treatment of the theme of communalism in Tamas. (500 words) (December 2017) OR Discuss the issue of communal conflict in Tamas with reference to incidents of communal tension in India's history after the Partition. (450 words) (December 2018)
- In what specific ways does the title of Bhisham Sahni's novel Tamas express the writer's thematic concern? (450 words) (December 2015)
- Tamas captures the historical consequences of the partition in human terms. Discuss. (450 words) (June 2016) OR How does Tamas deal with the reality of Partition? (450 words) (December 2020)
- To what extent is the novel Tamas autobiographical? Discuss. (450 words) (December 2016)
- Which scene in the novel Tamas has left an indelible impression on your mind? Bring out its significance. (450 words) (June 2018) OR Discuss two scenes of your choice from the novel Tamas. Why are these scenes important in the structural framework of the novel? (500 words) (June 2019)
- Discuss the narrative structure of Bhisham Sahni's Tamas. (500 words) (December 2019) (December 2021)
- Tamas is not merely a graphic description of violence and drama. Discuss with examples. (400 words) (June 2020)
- After Nathu, Bakshiji is the most socially sensitive character in Tamas. Do you agree? Discuss. (December 2023)
Previous Year Questions on U.R. Ananthamurthy's Samskara:
HP University: Short Answer Questions
- Write a brief note on the orthodox Brahmin society as depicted in Samskara. (HPU, June 2007)
- Comment on the blending of the ascetic and the erotic in Samskara. (HPU, June 2007)
- Role of Putta in the novel Samskara. (HPU, June 2009) (HPU, November/December 2019)
- Discuss the symbolic significance of Praneshacharya's meeting with Putta. (HPU, June 2010)
- Comment on the incident of the cremation of Naranappa. Who cremated his dead body and why? (HPU, December 2010)
- Discuss the significance of the fair to which Putta takes Praneshacharya in the novel Samskara. (HPU, December 2010)
- How has the conflict in the mind of Praneshacharya been portrayed when he is sitting in the bullock cart at the end of the novel Samskara? (HPU, June 2010)
- Why did the Brahmin community not excommunicate Naranappa? Give reasons. (HPU, December 2011, HPU, December 2010)
- Write a note on the role of Putta in Samskara. (HPU, June 2011)
- Why and how do poor and low-caste women join hands to rob their exploiters of their wealth? Analyse. (HPU, June 2011)
- Comment upon the sterility of the ritual bound existence of the Brahmins in Samskara. (HPU, June 2012)
- Comment on the ending of the novel Samskara. (HPU, June 2009, 2011)
- Bring out the predicament of Praneshacharya in Samskara. (HPU, June 2012)
- Write a note on Praneshacharya-Chandri relationship. (HPU, December 2011)
- Role of Narannapa in Samskara. (HPU, November/December 2019)
- Significance of the title, Samsakara. (HPU, November/December 2019)
HP University: Long-Answer Questions
- Write an essay on the interplay of tradition and modernism in Samskara. (HPU, June 2007) (HPU, November/December 2019)
- Compare and contrast the characters of Praneshacharya and Naranappa. (HPU, June 2009) OR Naranappa is Praneshacharya's arrogant anti-self. Discuss.
- Bring out the irony, satire and humour in U.R. Ananthamurthy's Samskara. (HPU, June 2010)
- Is it appropriate to call Samskara a critique of Hinduism? Give a reasoned answer. (HPU, December 2010)
- What sort of character does Chandri emerge in the novel, Samskara, a low caste harlot or a samskari woman? Discuss critically. (HPU, December 2010) OR Would you subscribe to the view that Chandri is a symbolic character?
- Justify the title of the novel 'Samskara'. (HPU, June 2011)
- "Samskara is an expression of inner conscience." Sketch the character of Praneshacharya in the light of the statement. (HPU, December 2011) OR Naranappa dead is more powerful than Naranappa the living. Discuss.
- "Samskara is an essentially realistic novel dealing with a social problem." Discuss. (HPU, June 2012)
- The novel ends but does not conclude. Discuss with reference to Samskara. (HPU, June 2012)
- Critically examine the plot structure of the novel Samskara.
- Discuss Anantha Murthy's art of characterization in Samskara.
- Discuss how Samskara represents the four aims of life. (HPU, November/December 2019)
- Write a comprehensive essay on Samskara as an allegory. (HPU, December 2021)
- Write a detailed note on the women characters in Samskara. (HPU, December 2021)
Note: Samskara is also a work in MA English curriculum of IGNOU. The following questions may give you an idea about the commonly asked questions on this work.
- Discuss asceticism and eroticism as a major theme of the novel Samskara. (450 words) (IGNOU, June 2010)
- Discuss Praneshacharya's relationship with Putta in Samskara. (450 words) (IGNOU, December 2010)
- Discuss Praneshacharya's quest for identity in Samskara. How do you view the ending of the novel? (450 words) (IGNOU, June 2011) OR The novel Samskara charts Pranesacharya's
quest for and questioning of his own identity.
Discuss. (450 words) (IGNOU, December 2016)
- The narrative in Samskara charts the evolution of Praneshacharya, culminating
in his decision to go back to his people and
confess. Discuss. (450 words) (IGNOU, June 2012) OR Analyze the narrative of the novel "Samskara". (500 words) (IGNOU, June 2022)
- Samskara is at the interface of tradition and
modernity and explores a traditional
society's potential to question itself and
move ahead, incorporating necessary
changes. Discuss. (450 words) (IGNOU, December 2012) OR ‘Samskara looks back at Indian tradition and at
the same time looks forward to modern times.
Discuss. (450 words) (IGNOU, June 2021)
- Are you satisfied with the ending of Samskara? Illustrate your answers with concrete arguments. (500 words) (IGNOU, June 2013)
- What is the importance of the sexual union of the Archaya and Chandri? (500 words) (IGNOU, December 2013, December 2019)
- Discuss the contemporary relevance of
Samskara. (450 words). (June 2014) (IGNOU, December 2023)
- Discuss the title of the novel Samskara and its
relevance to the plot. (450 words) (IGNOU, December 2014)
- Discuss the role of Chandri and Putta in the
Acharya's efforts to redefine himself as an
individual in Samskara. (450 words) (IGNOU, June 2015) OR Discuss the importance of Putta’s role as a focalizer in Samskara. (500 words) (IGNOU, June 2023)
- Which character(s) do you like the most in
Samskara? Why? (450 words) (IGNOU, December 2015)
- The protagonist of Samskara is caught between
tradition and modernity. Discuss. (450 words) (IGNOU, June 2016) OR Discuss how Samskara charts India's transition
from tradition to modernity. (450 words) (IGNOU, December 2018)
- Discuss the role of Chandri in the novel
Samskara. (500 words) (IGNOU, December 2017)
- Discuss the ways in which Samskara offers a
critique of Brahminical Hinduism. (450 words) (IGNOU, June 2018)
- Compare and contrast the character of Pranesacharya
with that of Naranappa in the novel Samskara.
(500 words.) (IGNOU, June 2019)
- Samskara is a modern novel of existential dilemma. Discuss. (450 words) (IGNOU, June 2020)
- How does Samskara depict the caste divisions
in Indian society? (450 words) (IGNOU, December 2020)
- Discuss the text Samskara as an Allegory. (450 words) (IGNOU, December 2021)
- “Intertextuality appears to be a special feature
of the narrative texture of the novel Samskara.”
Discuss. (500 words) (IGNOU, December 2022)
Previous Year Questions on Mahasweta Devi's Rudali:
HP University: Short Answer Questions
- Write a short note on the title of Rudali. (HPU, June 2007, December, 2010)
- Write a note on the character of Rudali as delineated by Mahasweta Devi. (HPU, June, 2008) OR Describe the tragic tale of Sanichari in Rudali. (HPU, December 2011)
- Write a note on Rudali as a feminist text. (HPU, June 2008)
- Write a note on the reaction of Sanichari to the succession of death in the family in Rudali. (HPU, June 2008)
- How does the village community support Sanichari in the story Rudali? Discuss. (HPU, June 2008) OR How do poor people co-operate with one another in 'Rudali'? Discuss and comment. (HPU, June 2011)
- How does Sanichari react at Bhikhni’s death? (HPU, June 2009)
- Highlight the role of Dulan in the story Rudali. (HPU, June 2010) OR Dulan's role in empowering low-caste victimized women in Rudali. OR (HPU, December 2011)
- How does Mahasweta Devi expose the hypocrisy of the rich landlords in the story Rudali? (HPU, December 2010) OR Who are the target of satire in Rudali? (HPU, June 2011) OR How does Mahasweta Devi expose the greed and evil intentions of malik-mahajan? (HPU, June 2011)
- Comment on Sanichari-Bhikhni’s bonding. (HPU, December 2011)
- Why and how do poor and low-caste women join hands to rob their exploiters of their wealth. Discuss. (HPU, June 2011)
- Comment upon the realistic outlook of the poor in Rudali. (HPU, June 2012)
- Why does Sanichari's daughter-in-law leave the home and what happens to her afterwards? Explain.
- Who are the targets of satire in Rudali. (HPU, December 2021)
HP University: Long-Answer Questions
- What is the major thematic concern of Mahasweta Devi in her work, Rudali? (HPU, June 2007) OR Make a thematic analysis of Rudali. (HPU June 2010)
- What makes Rudali a feminist text? (HPU, June 2008) OR Is it appropriate to consider Rudali a feministic text? Give a reasoned answer. (HPU, June 2009)
- Describe Mahasweta Devi's art of story-telling in Rudali. (HPU, June 2007) OR Based on your reading of Rudali, write an essay on Mahasweta Devi's narrative technique. (HPU, June 2008)
- What impressions do you form of the character of Sanichari from the story Rudali? Analyse and comment. (HPU, December 2010)
- Who is the target of satire in the story, Rudali? Discuss critically. (HPU, June 2009) OR Write a detailed note on the use of irony, humour, and satire in Mahasweta Devi’s work, Rudali. (HPU, December 2010) (HPU, December 2021)
- Critically comment on the portrayal of male characters in Rudali. (HPU, June 2011)
- Critically comment on the portrayal of women characters in Rudali. (HPU, December 2011) OR What does the character of Sanichari represent in the story, Rudali. Discuss critically. (HPU, December 2021)
- Discuss how Rudali represents the condition of tribal women in India. (HPU, November/December 2019)
- Bring out the nexus between religion and the rich to exploit the disempowered as portrayed in Rudali. (HPU, June 2012)
- Critically examine Rudali as a protest novel. (HPU, November/December 2019)
Previous Year Questions on Shiv Batalvi's Luna:
HP University: Long-Answer Questions
- Discuss Shiv Batalvi's Luna as a poetic play. (HPU, June 2007) OR Write a detailed note on the poetic style used in 'Luna'. (HPU, June 2011)
- In what ways is Shiv Batalvi's Luna an indictment on both monarchy and patriarchy? (HPU June, 2008, 2012)
- What feminist issues have been highlighted in the play 'Luna'? Illustrate critically. (HPU, June 2011) OR Discuss Luna as a feminist text. (HPU, November/December 2019)
- Discuss in detail the representation of various characters in the play Luna.
- Discuss how Luna addresses the issue of gender and female sexuality. (HPU, November/December 2019)
- Highlight the vision of Shiv Kumar as it emerges from the play Luna. (HPU June, 2009)
- Write an essay on the portrayal of the character of Luna by Shiv Kumar. (HPU, June 2008, 2010) OR Bring out the character of Luna as portrayed in the text. (HPU, June 2012)
- Analyze the role of male voices in Luna. How do they voice the vision of the writer? Discuss critically. (HPU, December 2021)
- What major issues about human relationships have been raised by Shiv Kumar in Luna? Analyze critically. (HPU, December 2021)
HP University: Short-Answer Questions
- Character of Puran in Luna. (HPU, November/December 2019)
- Character of Luna in Luna. (HPU, November/December 2019)
- Write a short note on the character of King Salwan as presented in 'Luna'. (HPU June, 2007)
- How does Salwan express his emotional barrenness in the play 'Luna'? (HPU, December 2010)
- Discuss Shiv Kumar’s comments on the patriarchal society of the times in Luna.
- Why would you consider 'Luna' a feminist text? (HPU, June 2008)
- Highlight the marginalization of Icchran in Luna. (HPU, June 2009, 2012, December 2021)
- Icchran’s reaction to Salwan’s second marriage. (HPU, December 2011)
- Why does Luna deliberately tell a lie about Puran to Salwan? Discuss its consequences. (HPU June 2009, 2012)
- Discuss the role of Ira and Mathri in the play Luna. (HPU, Decemeber 2010)
- Comment on King Salwan and Ichhran’s relationship. (HPU, June 2011)
- Critically comment on the significance of the opening act of the play Luna. (HPU, June 2010, June 2011, December 2011)
- Write a note on Shiv Kumar Batalvi’s handling of Luna’s incestuous inclination toward her stepson. (HPU, June 2012)
- Enumerate the personality traits of King Salwan. (HPU, December 2021)
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